Thursday, February 01, 2007

Màs Palabras (More words)

Not of the day, or of the month... just some new Spanish words I thought I'd share with anyone who might be interested.

terremotos: earthquakes
broches: snaps (on clothes)
abrochar: to clasp/fasten/snap/buckle something
cremallera: zipper
apretar: to squeeze
burradas: silly things, like betises/conneries in French, maybe?
encajar: to fit in
perderse de: louper (miss, like a train or a birthday)
rastrear: to track (as in, a package)
grunòn: grinch
hacer gargaras: to gargle (gargariser, en francais)
lograr: to enjoy? succeed? not sure
dias habiles: business days
nieta: granddaughter (I'd forgotten)
superdotado: gifted (like gifted and talented kids)
juez: judgepodrir: to rot/spoil
moco: a bugger/snot
fisgonear: to snoop, pry
pelear a punos: to fistfight
arrepentirse: to regret
sobregirar: to bounce/go under (in an acct balance/etc)
viajar de aventon/hacer autostop: hitchhike

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