Monday, October 02, 2006

My Kids

I have to admit, when I first started off this year, I was wondering what exactly I'd gotten myself into. My six- and seven-year-old students in first grade are in many ways more immature and dependent than my four-year-old charges were this summer in D.C., and this came somewhat as a shock. It is very much the result of a culture where children are babied moreso than in the states, and the children at my school are quite wealthy, so they don't really have to lift a finger at home. Some of them cut their paper right over the floor. Y'know, to save the trouble of having to brush it off of their desk onto the floor.
But, I also have to admit that they're adjusting to me, which means I won't talk to them if they're yelling "Teacher! Teacher! Finished!" until I come to them, and not cutting their paper over the floor, and I've adjusted to them being a little more needy than kids their age would be in the Land of Autonomy. All in all, they're growing on me, even the kids that, at the beginning of the year, I wasn't sure I'd grow to like.
Last week, the third grade teacher, Glenn, came to do a science and bubble show for my lovelies. Here I am posting some pictures from that adventure. There's also one or two from "mufty day", what they call Friday because the kids can come in their...mufties? I don't know, it just means they're out of uniform. Aren't they cute?

Above: Mr. Glenn getting his bubble on for group 1A.
Right: Gustavo in a bubble!
Below: Sergio, Arturo, Siu, Alejandra, Andres, and Gustavo.
Below that: Joseline, Ixchel, and Maria Jose on the reading rug.

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