Monday, August 28, 2006

"Adopted" Kids

A most pleasant update on Ana Cecilia, Pablo, y Julio, who are now going to school! They are all set with new uniforms (except shoes, we're saving up for them!) and school supplies, and we are going to pay ahead at school for fees and lunch...
I was at my pilates class (don't ask, I always fall off the ball) when the kids came by, but they were still there when I got home. I came to the door, and Pablo and Julio, grins on their faces, came running to the door saying, "Te queremos mucho!! We love you so much!" and greeted me with big hugs. Helping them go to school was already rewarding, but it was all I could do to not to tear up! My roommate, Shelly, who is also heading up the "send the kids to school" unofficial operation, said, "Guess what? It's not 150 pesos per kid, it's 150 total!" Five dollars a year?? Thoughts started racing to my mind at how many kids could receive help to pay for school!! Then, it came out that it is 50 pesos per month, so 150 per month per child...and then it really dawned on me how the children's mother couldn't pay! That's, give or take, 50 USD per child per year, which is a ton of money for that family! So, it's going to cost a lot more than we bargained for, but as a teacher I REALLY can't place a dollar (or peso) sign on an education. They also need fifty cents each a day for lunch, as it turns out, but this too is manageable.
Some of you have volunteered to send funds or supplies for the kids and for others who will we will be locating to send to school. I can't thank you enough. It's too bad that you can't be here to see the ear to ear grins on the kids' faces and to receive their hugs in person, but know that I am passing those hugs and grins onto you!! We live such a padded existence in the U.S., that I feel like these little things to us can make SUCH a difference in the lives of others!!
Above, Pablo tries on his new uniform (and his mom's going to have to hem those pants! He's such a peanut!).
Below, the kids' supplies, their warm greeting, and Julio has a big hug and a smile for Shelly!

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