Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ana Cecilia and Pablo (and Julio, too)

The kids are going to school! I'm so happy! I feel like a proud mother hen!!
Ana Cecilia stopped by today, in her attempt at a school uniform, saying, "I went to school today. They need you guys to pay, though..." Originally we were going to take the Colectivo to Ana's stop, and meet her mother, and walk to the school because Ana Cecilia doesn't know its name, but then we got to thinking about how we were warned to be critical and on guard here, yet not jaded, and thought it better to wait for her mom to give us the name and directions of the school, so that we could go directly. Odds are, there wouldn't be any problem just meeting Ana's mother and going with her to the school, but we feel a little better going ourselves.
It's only going to be less than 100 dollars for inscription for all three kids and uniforms...and yet, they wouldn't be able to go without it. I REALLY wish there were some way to start "becas" (scholarships) here where people in nations where 15 dollars is NOTHING could send it down here for a kid to be able to pay to go to school. I don't feel knowledgeable enough about the situation to even begin trying to set a system like that up, though. Any suggestions?

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